Wednesday, 17 May 2017


1As a public librarian working with the public, quiet often our patrons come in looking for exciting reads or newly published books from their favorite authors. Hence I saw it fit that I introduce them to fantastic fiction so that they may be able to see what their authors has published and their recent release. Once they have seen the title of their authors it will be very easy for them to go to their nearest   book shop to purchase a copy of their choice.
As we all know that books or very pricey nowadays if the patron can’t afford to purchase that specific copy, I have also given them a option to trace their nearest library to determine if they have that book in stock and if they not members they can also join the library so that they can be exposed to many more authors which they most likely enjoy or those that write the same as their favorite author.

Exciting reads by Laurentia


  1. I hope you will be printing and using these at your library......might be a good start to introduce QR codes in public libraries

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.



1 As a public librarian working with the public, quiet often our patrons come in looking for exciting reads or newly published books from ...